Why do some atheists struggle to accept God, yet would supposedly accept a "Matrix-like" world?

The movie "The Matrix" (1999) is probably the best-known secular fictional illustration of the concept of a universe within a universe.  In the movie, people think they are living life, yet in reality their bodies are actually in a state of suspended animation while their brains are engaged in a virtual reality simulation of the real world.  Naturally, this simulation (the Matrix) appears so real that you cannot possibly realize that this is not in fact the real world.  It is only when the main character, Neo, is told the truth (still within the Matrix) that this is not the real world and that there is a more real one out there, that movie viewers realize what is going on.  In fact it is not until he is physically removed from the Matrix that Neo has proof and finally believes what is happening.

Like the Matrix, our world of Earth and outer space is a universe within a Universe.  There is a bigger reality out there: God's realm.  Our universe, including Earth, is just a small part of God's much larger Universe, in which other creatures, such as angels, exist.

Yet, I suspect that many atheists would like to presume that if they were Neo, they would be open-minded enough (or advanced-thinking enough, or whatever you want to call it), to seriously consider the reality and implications of the Matrix after hearing about it.  While they could not know for certain while still in the Matrix, they would, I suspect, like to think they would adapt their brains to at least think seriously on this rather shocking news.  Some may even believe that they could accept this news while still within the Matrix.  

In that case, why do so many atheists refuse to believe in a similar universe-within-a-universe concept when it concerns God?  The overall idea is the same - that this reality is real enough to us, but that there is a stronger underlying reality out there. 

In fact, in The Matrix movie, there are some who have heard the truth yet refuse to believe it - because in that situation it would mean giving up the pleasures that the Matrix has to offer (food, fancy clothing, etc), for an existence that is more real, yet has fewer material things.  These people would prefer to close their eyes to that truth, even if it means that they are denying their existence in a realm that counts more in terms of reality.  Does this attitude sound similar to that of atheists when it comes to God?

The thing about God is that he wants us to come to him via faith.  Waiting for proof until we see him is too late.  He has warned us about that in the Bible not once, not twice, but many times.  

God wants us to come to him freely through Jesus.  Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected.  Our sins would normally cause us death, but because Jesus paid the price for us already, we are redeemed, if we accept his sacrifice.  It is this world in which we need to accept his sacrifice, this "Matrix-like" world, if you will.  In the outer world (i.e. after our death) we will meet God.  If God is who he says he is, then truly, you will be wanting to meet him as a friend of Jesus, not as a stranger.  If you deny him in this world, he will deny you in the real world.  Jesus said:

 “Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven; but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven."

Matthew 10: 32-33

No matter what you have said against Jesus or God, or what you have done in the past, Jesus is still willing to save you.  But you need to accept Jesus now, in this world.

If you found this post interesting, or if you had a sinking feeling inside, you might also like to read this additional post:


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