Why the coronavirus Covid-19 is not going to cause the end of the world
The coronavirus Covid-19 has caused major problems all around the world. The pandemic has caused sickness and death. Besides that, it has caused economic mayhem. Does this mean that end times are upon us? No, and here is why.
The Bible clearly says that there are going to be a number of signs showing end times. One of these is that Greece will go to war against Persia and Medea (modern-day Iran). In this war, Greece will win. Here is the reading from the Bible that shows this:
In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me, Daniel, after the one that had appeared to me at first. In the vision I was looking and saw myself in Susa the capital, in the province of Elam, and I was by the river Ulai. I looked up and saw a ram standing beside the river. It had two horns. Both horns were long, but one was longer than the other, and the longer one came up second. I saw the ram charging westward and northward and southward. All beasts were powerless to withstand it, and no one could rescue from its power; it did as it pleased and became strong.
As I was watching, a male goat appeared from the west, coming across the face of the whole earth without touching the ground. The goat had a horn between its eyes. It came toward the ram with the two horns that I had seen standing beside the river, and it ran at it with savage force. I saw it approaching the ram. It was enraged against it and struck the ram, breaking its two horns. The ram did not have power to withstand it; it threw the ram down to the ground and trampled upon it, and there was no one who could rescue the ram from its power. Then the male goat grew exceedingly great; but at the height of its power, the great horn was broken, and in its place there came up four prominent horns toward the four winds of heaven.
Daniel 8: 1-8
The interpretation of this vision was next described by the angel Gabriel:
When I, Daniel, had seen the vision, I tried to understand it. Then someone appeared standing before me, having the appearance of a man, and I heard a human voice by the Ulai, calling, “Gabriel, help this man understand the vision.” So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I became frightened and fell prostrate. But he said to me, “Understand, O mortal, that the vision is for the time of the end.”
As he was speaking to me, I fell into a trance, face to the ground; then he touched me and set me on my feet. He said, “Listen, and I will tell you what will take place later in the period of wrath; for it refers to the appointed time of the end. As for the ram that you saw with the two horns, these are the kings of Media and Persia. The male goat is the king of Greece, and the great horn between its eyes is the first king. As for the horn that was broken, in place of which four others arose, four kingdoms shall arise from his nation, but not with his power.
Daniel 8: 15 - 22
Between the time this passage was written and now, many catastrophic things have happened. However, none of these was the war between Greece and Iran, so none of those happenings was a harbinger of end times. This does not mean that nothing bad happened: imagine living through World War I or World War II, to name just two of many wars that have happened. During those times there was so much more suffering than there is from the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, despite all that suffering and loss in those world wars, it was still not end times. It would certainly have been quite understandable to those at the time to wonder if this was end times.
Likewise, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 will not cause end times. It is one of many things that will happen between now and then, but because we have not yet had Greece go to war against Iran, it's not end times yet.
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The Bible clearly says that there are going to be a number of signs showing end times. One of these is that Greece will go to war against Persia and Medea (modern-day Iran). In this war, Greece will win. Here is the reading from the Bible that shows this:
In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me, Daniel, after the one that had appeared to me at first. In the vision I was looking and saw myself in Susa the capital, in the province of Elam, and I was by the river Ulai. I looked up and saw a ram standing beside the river. It had two horns. Both horns were long, but one was longer than the other, and the longer one came up second. I saw the ram charging westward and northward and southward. All beasts were powerless to withstand it, and no one could rescue from its power; it did as it pleased and became strong.
As I was watching, a male goat appeared from the west, coming across the face of the whole earth without touching the ground. The goat had a horn between its eyes. It came toward the ram with the two horns that I had seen standing beside the river, and it ran at it with savage force. I saw it approaching the ram. It was enraged against it and struck the ram, breaking its two horns. The ram did not have power to withstand it; it threw the ram down to the ground and trampled upon it, and there was no one who could rescue the ram from its power. Then the male goat grew exceedingly great; but at the height of its power, the great horn was broken, and in its place there came up four prominent horns toward the four winds of heaven.
The interpretation of this vision was next described by the angel Gabriel:
When I, Daniel, had seen the vision, I tried to understand it. Then someone appeared standing before me, having the appearance of a man, and I heard a human voice by the Ulai, calling, “Gabriel, help this man understand the vision.” So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I became frightened and fell prostrate. But he said to me, “Understand, O mortal, that the vision is for the time of the end.”
As he was speaking to me, I fell into a trance, face to the ground; then he touched me and set me on my feet. He said, “Listen, and I will tell you what will take place later in the period of wrath; for it refers to the appointed time of the end. As for the ram that you saw with the two horns, these are the kings of Media and Persia. The male goat is the king of Greece, and the great horn between its eyes is the first king. As for the horn that was broken, in place of which four others arose, four kingdoms shall arise from his nation, but not with his power.
Daniel 8: 15 - 22
Between the time this passage was written and now, many catastrophic things have happened. However, none of these was the war between Greece and Iran, so none of those happenings was a harbinger of end times. This does not mean that nothing bad happened: imagine living through World War I or World War II, to name just two of many wars that have happened. During those times there was so much more suffering than there is from the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, despite all that suffering and loss in those world wars, it was still not end times. It would certainly have been quite understandable to those at the time to wonder if this was end times.
Likewise, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 will not cause end times. It is one of many things that will happen between now and then, but because we have not yet had Greece go to war against Iran, it's not end times yet.
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