God wanted to live with us, even when He knew we were sinners!

God still wanted to be with us, even though we are sinners. Let's take a look at when Moses led the people out of Egypt. As they trekked through the desert, God gave instructions to Moses:

And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.

Exodus 25: 8

I was struck by how amazing that was. God didn't say "well, I'll keep a good distance away from these crazy sinners of humans." Instead he told Moses to make him a sanctuary so that God might dwell among us. Among us?! That's amazing that He would want to do that! He is perfect and we are not, yet he still desires to be with us.

This is why He made a path for us to be with him in heaven through Jesus. That way, we can be with Him. Yet He wanted people to choose this path freely. God did not force us to accept the sacrifice Jesus made. This is why it is so important to make our own choice about this. Don't wait until it's too late!

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