Praying creates action in the spiritual dimension but it is very hard for us to detect that action

Do not underestimate prayer. Often, someone prays for something, sees no obvious result, and assumes nothing happened. This is far from the reality. Most often this is due to the person not being able to detect what had happened as a result of the prayer

There are some other reasons nothing could happen, of course. Some of those other reasons are: 

  • This was not the right time for the prayer to be answered - the prayer was in God's will but the timing is later, or
  • The prayer was not consistent with what God wanted

But assuming that none of these issues above are the case, often the problem is simply that the person cannot detect that the prayer has been answered

This is because prayer creates direct movement (or action, or an effect - any of these is a decent approximation) in the spiritual dimension. But remember, the spiritual dimension is a dimension that we cannot detect easily. It is there and it is more real than our physical dimensions, but we have the misfortune of seeing it poorly. A good analogy is that when looking in the spiritual dimension, we are as a mostly blind person.

Therefore when it comes to prayer, we are like an almost-blind person asking a sighted person for a painting to be moved from one wall to another. The person indeed moves it, but we with our poor vision are unable to detect that the painting has been moved.

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