How we see our enemies is how God COULD see us, if He chose - but He doesn't!
I was reading in the news media about someone who had betrayed someone else. If I had been the victim, I confess I would have had difficulty with keeping my focus on the main thing (God and Jesus). It would have been all too easy to fall into the trap of bitterness and misery in that situation.
Even if I make a conscious effort to rise above the bitterness and misery to keep my focus on God and Jesus, I would still have not liked the person and would have avoided them. Which is OK! Christianity says you should forgive the person, but you need not continue any relationship with them (I talk more about that here). Your forgiveness is in your heart, between you and God. There is no requirement for you to see the person again or for them to know of your forgiveness. You can cut off contact with them for the sake of your future physical and/or mental health, even if you have forgiven them. Forgiving someone for a specific past event does not equate to you needing to place any trust in them for the future.
It then occurred to me that God is perfectly entitled to see me as His enemy because I have committed sins against heaven. So the exact way I view my enemy is how God COULD choose to see me - yet He doesn't! This is quite amazing, when I think about it.
God instead has offered each and every one of us a pathway to redemption through the death and resurrection of his son Jesus. Yet He could have instead chosen to view us as enemies.
I think the closest analogy is that of a father with a rebellious child. He still loves us but does not love or condone our behavior. The fact that God's attitude to us is one of love, and not one of enmity is incredible when you think about it. All the sins that each of us did against Him would perfectly justify Him viewing each of us as an enemy, yet His attitude is that of a father. Wow!
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