Free Palm Sunday Lyrics for Lent and Easter Songs

There are not so many song lyrics designed specifically for Palm Sunday.  Here are some lyrics especially for Palm Sunday which reflect the atmosphere of Lent instead of the post-resurrection feeling of Easter.  Feel free to use them, although you would need to set them to music.  Regardless of how you plan to use the lyrics, please do not acknowledge me; these lyrics are for God's glory alone.

They came to Jerusalem
And found a donkey
Said "The Master needs it"
And it was untied

Cloaks and branches
Of palm made a path
For Jesus to ride on
Through the crowd

Did people know
That it was to be
This man, Son of God
Here to save them

Rejoice daughter of Zion
Shout, shout, shout
Daughter of Jerusalem
Your king comes
Righteous and victorious
Humble and riding
On the foal of a donkey

Blessed is He
who comes in the name
of the Lord God
Hosanna in the highest

Pharisees didn't know
Who Jesus was
They asked for quiet
Stones would have shouted

Blessed is He
who comes in the name
of the Lord God
Hosanna in the highest

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