2 very specific end time prophesies from the Bible

What are the end time prophesies in the Bible which I most want people to know about? There are 2 very specific prophesies in the Bible whose events can't easily get mistaken for anything else.

The first prophecy is that Greece and Iran will go to war, and Greece will win.

The second prophecy is that people will need to get a mark on their forehead or right hand in order to buy or sell anything. It's extremely important not to get that mark, since the prophecy in the Bible tells us that it's the mark of the enemy. The mark could be an implantable chip, a bar code tattoo, or some as yet unknown technology.

You can read in more detail about the first prophecy, the one from the book of Daniel about Greece and Iran going to war.

You can also learn in more detail about the second prophecy, the one from the book of Revelation about the Mark of the Beast.

These prophecies are both quite specific and are unlikely to get confused for anything else. 

For example, war in general could get mistaken for certain other periods in time. But the war between Greece and Iran is unlikely to be mistaken for anything else. 

People living through World War 1 and World War 2 could easily have thought they were at the End of Days based on war and economics alone. But it is clear from the 2 prophesies mentioned above that World Wars 1 and 2 are not the ones for end times, since a) Greece and Iran haven't yet gone to war with Greece winning, and b) we haven't yet had a payment system with a mark on the forehead or right hand.

It's important to read the Bible ourselves about this. There are some people out there who say that the End Times have arrived, but it's more important to know what the Bible is saying about the End Times, not what other people are saying.

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