It is YOU who get the benefits of reading the Bible and praying (not God!)

I have written before about the power of prayer and how it's in your interests to read the Bible and pray. This is because you get to know God better, and He is a marvelous counselor. You get better discernment in what to do in various life situations, big and small.

In the past, I used to think that if I read the Bible and prayed, it would please God. It does please him, but you should be aware that it is YOU who receives the benefits of your Bible reading and your praying, not God. In other words, God is not improved by knowing you, but you are improved by knowing God.

So even if you were being purely selfish, you'd still want to pray and read the Bible, because YOU get to reap the benefits of it (not God).

If you found this post interesting, you might also like these related posts on this blog:

  1. If Jesus needed to pray, we have an even greater need to do it
  2. The power of prayer
  3. What happens to your prayers?


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