Don't be scared of accepting God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Some people might be scared of accepting the free gift of eternal life in Heaven that Jesus offers us. This is in many ways a normal (but not a good) reaction - the fear of the unknown. You might wonder if there is a long list of things you need to do as a Christian, or other constraints upon your life. 

To untangle all of these things, the main things you can do (that you maybe didn't do before) are to 

  1. read the Bible
  2. pray

This is so you can get to know God better. But God won't strike you down if you don't do it.  This is for your benefit, not God's! In other words, God isn't improved by getting to know you - YOU are improved by getting to know God. You can find out more about that here.

Those 2 things aren't so onerous, especially when you think about the fact that you probably like the idea of getting to know God better. Reading the Bible and praying are the best ways to do that.

There's not really a bunch of obligations you need to do. Yes, you should certainly abide by the Ten Commandments, but other than that there's not some lengthy list to adhere to.

We want to avoid sinning. The good news is that some sins aren't ones you'd want to do anyway. For example, most people don't need to constantly remind themselves "Don't rob the candy store!" or "Must remember not to assault anyone today". Of course, we are all human in a fallen world and certainly just by being human we all commit sins every day - for example, being selfish, or making an unkind remark, etc. But the idea is that you repent (be truly sorry for those sins), pick yourself up, turn to God, confess, and He has already forgiven you. Then you move on and hopefully not make those mistakes again (instead, we all make new mistakes!)

The main other thing is that ideally, you should attend church. This is not going to be realistic in all areas, for example in areas where Christianity is rare. But many churches broadcast their service online, so you can watch that. Finding a good church is important - one that's in line with what the Bible says.

Church makes life as a Christian a bit easier. If you're attending church in real life, as you get to know some people at your church, you have a built-in "family" who you can ask questions of when you're grappling with a problem, whether it's a difficult ethical dilemma or if you're struggling to interpret a piece of scripture.

Remember that the church is not God - reading the Bible and praying are always going to be more important than going to church.

But as a Christian, you should see church as a benefit to you, not as something you are obligated to do to check a box every week. 

You're also not an easy target for the enemy when you have a good support base of other believers around you.

This is why you should not be scared of accepting God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You have the benefit of having more freedom - not less! You don't have a big long list of things you need to do or not do. You get increased wisdom and discernment over time, simply through reading the Bible and praying. This lets you live your life more easily - you have a better feel for what to do in any situation. 

If you are still having a dilemma, you can continue to pray about it, and you have the option to seek input from other Christians around you.

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