The vast majority of the Bible is the Old Testament - but that makes sense

Each year, I read the Bible all the way through. Each year, I always find it almost surprising how much of the Bible is the Old Testament. In fact, the New Testament is only about a quarter of the Bible. 

This means if we want to learn as much as we can about Jesus, it will still be a fraction of what is written in the Bible. But it makes sense, if we think about it. There are many signposts in the Old Testament pointing to Jesus. We can't just ignore the signposts and focus purely on Jesus, even if we kind of want to. The signpost are part of the journey.

We can't just say "let's skip ahead to the good stuff" - because all of it hangs together. It's a history - that points to Jesus.

Indeed, right now, we are living a part of time where the Bible has shown that in the future are signposts to the end of the days. It is fairly specific about some of these. For example, take a look at these 2 very specific events which are in our future.

Just as the Old Testament showed signposts to Jesus, both the Old and the New Testament show clear signposts to the end of days and to Jesus coming again.

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